PERT FLUR® Fast Lock/Unlock Ring SYSTEM

PERT FLUR® Fast Lock-Unlock Ring SYSTEM allows changing of the rolling rings on our fast blocks in about 1 minute per ring (it means 20 minutes for the complete changing of the rings of a 10-pass block employing 3 persons, less than 15 minutes employing 4 persons).

This changing does not need special equipments and can be carried out also by non-skilled personnel without a special expertise.

This solution represents a further innovation in the field of the fast finishing blocks, where PERT has reached nowadays a level of absolute excellence.

Combined with FLUR® System, PERT propose rolling rings in a special material, weight of which, compared with equivalent performances, is three time lower than a normal ring in tungsten carbide. Lower weight allows a better handling, further reducing times for ring changing and a cheaper cost than the normal ring.

FLUR® system is adaptable to all type of existing fast blocks, as well as the cantilever stand.

For further information, please contact directly our technical office: