PERT at AISTECH 2013, Pittsburgh USA, May,7


PERT will participate as a speaker at AISTECH 2013 Conference, that will be held in Pittsburgh USA, on 7 of May, at 10.00 a.m. (see the technical program webpage We will present the 2nd generation of PERT BS Stands, the title of our abstract is "New Rolling Stands For Long Product Rolling Mills". The same day, at 10.30 a.m., PERTECO (environmental division of PERT) will present an abstract entitled "Efforts For Cooling Water Savings In a SteelMaking Facility". This abstract shows the technical solutions adopted for minimize the water consumption of a water treatment plant for a 1'500'000 t/y steel meltshop, which is now in the erection phase in a Middle-East desert region. PERTECO is the supplier of the complete WTP.

